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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Mediation Agreement needs to be signed by all parties!!!!

The agreement to mediate must be signed by all parties prior to the start of the mediation. The mediation agreement is non-negotiable and the failure of the parties to sign the agreement prevents the mediation from starting. One potential client refused to sign the mediation agreement. I immediately excused myself. I suspect that both parties will be involved in expensive litigation and will end up losing substantial assets to the lawyers!!!!This is too bad and very sad. The mediator is not a bystander to a negotiation just as notary is not a dude with a notary stamp. A mediation agreement needs to be signed to document the terms of the mediation.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Notary's view of divorce and meditiation

Non-lawyer notaries are not allowed to produce or write divorce documents. However, notaries are authorized to do jurats affidavits regarding divorces and acknowledgments on property settlements. Both the law library at City of Alexandria Circuit Court and Fairfax sell a $10 kit for uncontested divorces. Notaries can also notarize documents involving proof of service by a process server. However, the notary can not be the process server and notarize the document. I strongly recommend anyone using these kits to have the final document reviewed by a licensed member of the VA Bar. Mediation of divorce issues is recommended; the mediator can not notarize the agreement. People who are being threatened with divorce are encourage to get involved with marriage encounters.http://www.wwme.org/new.html>Sometimes one partner will sent a torpedo into a marriage that destroys the marriage.Think of yourself as fighter pilot hit by a enemy rocket;press the ejection button for both pilots. Get on another airplane with another co-pilot!!! . Do not get angry, get a divorce!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to start a mediation

How to start a mediation:
1.Contact a mediator and request mediation services.
2. The mediator will contact the other party by email, US mail or by phone.
3. I have done one international meditation by telephone but prefer all parties (decision makers) to be in the same room.
4. I am not limited to doing mediations in VA. I can go anywhere.
5.A agreement to mediate is signed before the mediation begins.
6. I charge $75 hr and expect immediate payment per the terms of the agreement to mediate.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mediation vs Arbitration

The major focus of a mediator is get the parties to agreement. When there is controversy, the sooner the mediator is called the better. I had one interesting case where the couple never saw a lawyer or courtroom Five hours of mediation solved all. However, they created their own agreement. Arbitration is private quasi judicial procedure where there is no appeal. Some lawyers do not like either of these. Mediation in my opinion is the better of the two. It low cost, private. and can occur in the home and office and there is no pressure to sign the agreement.You also encourage to have an attorney review the document. Feel free to visit my web page